FT4 Plus

Thyroxine (T4) is a thyroid hormone which circulates bound to various proteins. Only 0.03 % of total serum thyroxine is not bound. This free thyroxine (FT4) is responsible for biological activity. Its concentration is nearly independent of the concentration of the binding proteins and thus it reflects the true thyroid status. The determination of free thyroxine is intended to be used as an aid in diagnosis of various thyroid disorders.

Assay format prevents from potential interference with biotin.

Name FT4 Plus RIA
Ref. C55856/C55857
Method RIA
Type Coated tubes
Tests 100/400
Max. Activity (kBq) 310/4x310
Sensitivity (LoD) 0.94 pM
Incubation conditions 1 hr/RT;shaking
Calibrator range 0;2.5-75 pM
Sample volume (μL) 25
Sample form serum; plasma
Analyte info                      
Instructions for Use